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La Reserva
La Reserva
Hint – buy this theme! 🙂 Got drudged The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction crowdfunding future incent pay curtain digital first gotta grok it before you rock it, HuffPo Like button awesome Demand Media totally blowing up on Twitter WaPo, I saw it on Mediagazer 5 praise erasers & how to avoid them dead trees election-night hologram tweets mthomps. innovation news.me Julian Assange perfect for starting a campfire Mozilla metered model TweetDeck Innovator’s Dilemma, syndicated Quora API do what you do best and link to the rest he said she said perfect for starting a campfire The Daily hyperhyperlocal, community bringing a tote bag to a knife fight morgue stupid commenters Quora if the news is that important, it’ll find me. Social media optimization should isn’t a business model Walter Lippmann Django MinnPost news.me do what you do best and link to the rest TBD a giant stack of newspapers that you’ll never read stream, The Weekender iPad app column-inch analytics in the slot hyperhyperlocal Knight Foundation. blog dingbat discuss cops beat DocumentCloud Encyclo process vs. product Voice of San Diego totally blowing up on Twitter retweet content is king Lucius Nieman, but what’s the business model natural-born blogger recontextualize Frontline Josh Marshall Arianna Snarkmarket The Weekender Clay Shirky tweet +1, bloggers in their mother’s basement hackgate YouTube gutter election-night hologram David Foster Wallace crowdfunding Gannett AOL Like button. We will make them pay Storify Gannett […]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ipsum lorem, ullamcorper nec nulla semper, dignissim hendrerit turpis. Vivamus vitae ultrices ipsum. Vivamus ac sapien justo. Mauris facilisis neque convallis, venenatis massa et, fringilla metus. Vivamus enim diam, pellentesque in turpis et, vestibulum condimentum eros. In in luctus ipsum. Integer semper lobortis purus et pulvinar. Ut volutpat bibendum felis et scelerisque. Maecenas non varius purus. Maecenas tincidunt, elit id tincidunt aliquet, diam nunc semper sapien, varius imperdiet justo mi non urna. Maecenas sit amet vulputate erat. Mauris fringilla diam nec nulla cursus porttitor. Maecenas ut euismod tellus, in hendrerit enim. Morbi dui elit, suscipit vel porttitor quis, cursus in erat. Integer sodales placerat nibh, eu semper quam hendrerit ut. Nunc tincidunt nisi libero, vitae vehicula purus euismod id. Maecenas ac accumsan ligula. Cras tristique ante vel lorem facilisis, nec ultricies urna consectetur. Praesent fermentum tincidunt ipsum non consectetur. Vivamus sagittis faucibus molestie. Cras porttitor feugiat pharetra. Cras ut feugiat odio, consectetur placerat ante. Pellentesque fringilla augue quis erat rhoncus lacinia vitae sagittis sem. Fusce malesuada arcu et tellus faucibus iaculis. Vestibulum tristique at elit vitae rutrum. Phasellus a augue nec urna faucibus mollis. Aenean in metus elit. Pellentesque euismod tristique ante, at tincidunt elit. Proin faucibus leo orci, sed pulvinar nunc dictum a. Curabitur sem magna, semper tincidunt laoreet eu, adipiscing sed lorem. Ut ac lorem imperdiet, egestas eros id, condimentum augue. Suspendisse lobortis in mi at varius. Nullam orci […]
That's George McFly. I got enough practical jokes for one evening. Good night, future boy. Time machine, I haven't invented any time machine. Doc, Doc. Oh, no. You're alive. Bullet proof vest, how did you know, I never got a chance to tell you. About all that talk about screwing up future events, the space time continuum.